Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Business Is Business

I was talking on Facebook messnger with my friend Tim Stotz a few days ago, and he was inviting me to a local cafe just to hang out, shoot the breeze, and pretend like were working on something, and all of a sudden this poem flashed into my head, which isn't much a big deal, except that hasn't happened to me in over a year, so I rushed to write it down.

Business Is Business

she says andrew jackson
was a murderer 
and a lousy president,
and aside from that he looked funny,
but not funny enough to 
stop her from
blowing me for
two lousy presidents

I'm organizing a poetry reading on June 15th with the themes of capitalism/consumerism, and in our Tal' Dorei Dungeons and Dragons campaign prostitution is taking on a huge role. I suppose all those components coalesced to make this the first poem that popped into my mind in a year.

Who dares question the muse. Take what you're given, and be thankful you got anything at all, I guess. 

Now I'm dead tired.

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